Abbasi A, Rangwani R, Bowen D, Fealy A, Danielsen N, Gulati T (2024). Cortico-cerebellar coordination facilitates neuroprosthetic control. Science Advances; 10 (15); doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adm8246 [PDF] [bioRxiv]
(Featured in the News Story: 'Boosting the Brain’s Control of Prosthetic Devices' )
Fleischer P*, Abbasi A*, Gulati T (2024). Modulation of neural spiking in motor cortex–cerebellar networks during sleep spindles. eNeuro; 11 (5); doi: [PDF]
Simpson B*, Rangwani R*, Abbasi A, Chung J, Reed C, Gulati T (2023). Disturbed laterality of non-rapid eye movement sleep oscillations in post-stroke human sleep. Frontiers in Neurology; Vol.14 doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1243575 [PDF] [medRxiv]
Fleischer P, Abbasi A, Fealy A, Danielsen N, Sandhu R, Raj P, Gulati T (2023). Emergent low-frequency activity in cortico-cerebellar networks with motor skill learning. eNeuro; 10 (2); doi: [PDF] [bioRxiv]
(Featured in the News Story: 'Study Identifies Changes in the Brain Responsible for Motor Skill Learning' and 12 news items in 12 outlets enlisted here)
Abbasi A, Danielsen N, Leung J, Muhammad AKMG, Patel S, Gulati T (2021). Epidural cerebellar stimulation drives widespread neural synchrony in the intact and stroke perilesional cortex. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation; 18(1): 89 [PDF]
Kim JK, Gulati T, Ganguly K (2019). Competing Roles of Slow Oscillations and Delta Waves on Memory Consolidation versus Forgetting. Cell; 179(2): 514-526
(Featured commentary by: Ngo HV and Born J (2019) Sleep and the Balance between Memory and Forgetting. Cell; 179(2): 289-291)
Hishinuma AK, Gulati T, Burish M, Ganguly K (2019). Large-scale changes in cortical dynamics triggered by repetitive somatosensory electrical stimulation. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation; 16(1):59
Ramanathan DS*, Guo L*, Gulati T*, Davidson G, Hishinuma A, Won SJ, Knight RT, Chang EF, Swanson RA, Ganguly K (2018). Low frequency cortical activity is a neuromodulatory target that tracks recovery after stroke. Nature Medicine; 24(8):1257-1267 (*equally contributing authors)
(Featured in the News Story: 'Electrically Stimulating the Brain May Restore Movement After Stroke' and 10 news items in 10 outlets enlisted here)
Gulati T, Guo L, Ramanathan DS, Bodepudi A, Ganguly K (2017). Neural reactivations during sleep determine network credit assignment. Nature Neuroscience; 20(9): 1277-1284
(Featured on the Journal cover & News Story: ‘Deep Sleep Reinforces the Learning of New Motor Skills’ and 21 news items in 19 outlets enlisted here)
Godlove J*, Gulati T*, Dichter B, Chang EF, Ganguly K (2016). Cortically-tuned muscle synergies in a severely paralyzed chronic stroke patient. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology; 3(12): 956-961 (*equally contributing authors )
Ramanathan DS, Gulati T, Ganguly K (2015). Sleep-dependent replay of ensembles in motor cortex promote skill consolidation. PLoS Biology; 13(9):e1002263
(Featured commentary by: Genzel L and Robertson EM (2015) To Replay, Perchance to Consolidate. PLoS Biology; 13(10):e1002285)
Gulati T, Won SJ, Ramanathan DS, Wong CC, Bodepudi A, Swanson RA, Ganguly K (2015) Robust neuroprosthetic control from the stroke perilesional cortex. Journal of Neuroscience; 35(22):8653-8661
(Featured in Research highlights - Neuroscience: Stroke Brain still Controls Device (2015) Nature; 522(7554): 9; and The Epoch Times News Story: ‘Cyborg ’ Rats Show Promise for Stroke Victims)
Wong CC, Ramanathan DS, Gulati T, Won SJ, Ganguly K (2015) An automated behavioral box to assess forelimb function in rats. Journal of Neuroscience Methods; 246:30-37
Castro-Alamancos MA and Gulati T (2014) Neuromodulators produce distinct activated states in neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience; 34(37): 12353-12367
Gulati T, Ramanathan DS, Wong CC, Ganguly K (2014) Reactivation of emergent task-related ensembles during slow-wave sleep after neuroprosthetic learning. Nature Neuroscience; 17(8): 1107-1113
(Featured on the Journal cover & News and Views by Harris KD (2014) Sleep replay meets brain-machine interface. Nature Neuroscience; 17(8): 1019-1021; and Upson S (2014) The Neural Code: Cyborg Confidential. Scientific American Mind ; 25(6): 30-35; and Society for Neuroscience Fall 2015 Neuroscience Quarterly: Inside Neuroscience: Exploring the Intricate Relationship Between Sleep and Memory )
Kim T, Branner A, Gulati T, Giszter SF (2013). Braided multi-electrode probe: mechanical compliance characteristics and recordings from spinal cords. Journal of Neural Engineering; 10(4):045001
* equal contribution